Baby Spanish, Spain boy names

List of Spanish, Spain boy baby names with meanings. Baby Spanish, Spain boy names and more online! Choosing Names for Baby Boys. Unique, cool, unusual, top, boy names with meanings. Get thousands of baby boy names in easy to read lists. This site features origins, meanings, and statistical information for popular and unusual baby boys names. Information and advice when choosing. Spanish, Spain boy names an extensive and comprehensive list with their meaning


The baby name Evarado is a boy name. The name Evarado comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Evarado is: Hardy: brave.Information:Name: EvaradoMeaning of name: Hardy: brave.Gender: Male ... Read more


The boy baby name Everardo. The name Everardo comes from Spanish, Spain. Meaning of the name Everardo is: Hardy: brave.Info:Name: EverardoMeaning: Hardy: brave.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysName origin: Spanish, ... Read more


The baby name Ezequiel is a boy name. The name Ezequiel comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Ezequiel is: God strengthens.Information:Name: EzequielMeaning of name: God ... Read more


The baby name Fabio is a boy name. The name Fabio comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Fabio is: Bean growerInformation:Name: FabioMeaning of name: Bean growerGender: Male / Masculine ... Read more


The baby name Fanuco is a boy name. The name Fanuco comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Fanuco is: FreeInformation:Name: FanucoMeaning of name: FreeGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The boy baby name Faro. The name Faro comes from Spanish, Spain. Meaning of the name Faro is: Reference to the card game faro.Info:Name: FaroMeaning: Reference to the card game faro.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The baby name Faron is a boy name. The name Faron comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Faron is: pharoah.Information:Name: FaronMeaning of name: pharoah.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy ... Read more


The baby name Fausto is a boy name. The name Fausto comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Fausto is: LuckyInformation:Name: FaustoMeaning of name: LuckyGender: Male / Masculine / Boy / ... Read more


The baby name Federico is a boy name. The name Federico comes from the Spanish, Spain origin. In English the meaning of the name Federico is: Spanish form of Frederick peaceful rulerInformation:Name: FedericoMeaning of ... Read more


The name Feliciano is a boy name. The name Feliciano comes from Spanish, Spain origin. The meaning of the name Feliciano is: Happy.About:Name: FelicianoName meaning: Happy.Gender: Male / Masculine / Boy / BoysOrigin: ... Read more