Baby African, Africa boy names

List of African, Africa boy baby names with meanings. Baby African, Africa boy names and more online! Choosing Names for Baby Boys. Unique, cool, unusual, top, boy names with meanings. Get thousands of baby boy names in easy to read lists. This site features origins, meanings, and statistical information for popular and unusual baby boys names. Information and advice when choosing. African, Africa boy names an extensive and comprehensive list with their meaning


The baby name Ezeji is a boy name. The name Ezeji comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Ezeji is: Ibo of Nigeria name meaning "the king of yams."Information:Name: EzejiMeaning of ... Read more


The name Faraji is a boy name. The name Faraji comes from African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Faraji is: Swahili name meaning "consolation."About:Name: FarajiName meaning: Swahili name meaning ... Read more


The name Fela is a boy name. The name Fela comes from African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Fela is: West African name meaning "warlike."About:Name: FelaName meaning: West African name meaning ... Read more


The baby name Fodjour is a boy name. The name Fodjour comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Fodjour is: Akan of Ghana name meaning "fourth born."Information:Name: FodjourMeaning of ... Read more


The baby name Fynn is a boy name. The name Fynn comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Fynn is: Europeanized version of Ghanaian name Offin, after the Offin River.Information:Name: ... Read more


The baby name Gabra is a boy name. The name Gabra comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Gabra is: Amharic of Tigrinya name meaning "an offering."Information:Name: GabraMeaning of ... Read more


The name Ghedi is a boy name. The name Ghedi comes from African, Africa origin. The meaning of the name Ghedi is: Somali name meaning "traveler."About:Name: GhediName meaning: Somali name meaning "traveler."Gender: ... Read more


The baby name Geteye is a boy name. The name Geteye comes from the African, Africa origin. In English the meaning of the name Geteye is: Amharic name meaning "my master."Information:Name: GeteyeMeaning of name: ... Read more


The boy baby name Getachew. The name Getachew comes from African, Africa. Meaning of the name Getachew is: Amharic male name meaning "their master."Info:Name: GetachewMeaning: Amharic male name meaning "their ... Read more


The boy baby name Gogo. The name Gogo comes from African, Africa. Meaning of the name Gogo is: Nguni of S. Africa name meaning "like grandfather."Info:Name: GogoMeaning: Nguni of S. Africa name meaning "like ... Read more